Are your sugar scrubs emulsified? We’re so glad you asked. YESSSS!!! We use plant based emulsifiers that, when mixed with all the other luscious ingredients and water, turns into a lotion on your skin.

How do you get your body butter so light and fluffy? You noticed! When we were creating this delicious concoction, we knew we wanted something that would melt as soon as it touched your skin. We could have gone heavy and dense, but chose instead, to whip the heck out of it. We add all the ingredients to a mixer and turn it on until the body butter is light and fluffy. Oh and don’t forget, because it’s so light and fluffy, it’s heat sensitive so keep it in a cool dry place or it will deflate like your favorite chocolate souffle. Don’t worry if it does though, just pop it into the fridge for a few minutes. It won’t be fluffy, but it weighs the same and will still do an amazing job on your skin.

I’m sitting here sipping on my French Kiss wondering when my products will ship? Well, enjoy that cocktail and don’t worry, we’ll have your order out the door within 3 to 5 business days.

I LOVE your coasters! Can I purchase a set without buying the soap? For you…of course! Just message us and we’ll make it happen.

What about returns? We really want your experience with Cocktail + Bath to be special…in a good way. We lay awake at night (not all of us together mind you) trying to think up new ways to make your experience better. Receiving your product delivered in a lovely box, with pretty tissue paper and all the other stuff is a huge part of that experience. Receiving your package only to open it and find a jar broke in transit and now your delicious body scrub is all over everything, is not. If that ever happens, PLEASE let us know! While we do everything we can to ensure this doesn’t happen, well, accidents happen. We just need a photo of the mess and we’ll make it right.

Whew! That’s over, although we do love FAQS. Don’t forget at the end of your day, to grab your favorite cocktail, run a bath, and: